2x6 geometric wall art

Geometric Hardwood Wall Art

Art is meant to stir emotions, create conversations and be a reflection of ourselves. That's why Turned Wood Designs chooses to focus on solid hardwoods and customer choice - of hardwood, pattern and finish. It's your art - design it that way!

Explore Our Wall Art Collection

2' X 6' WAll art shown in walnut with our geometric pattern and oiled finish

  • 10.07.2023

    A recent delivery of a truly bespoke piece of wall art that started with a question - "Do you think you could do a wood design that has the word believe in it Al la Ted Lasso?" Some rapid prototyping on the computer quickly turned into a life sized mock-up that also created our latest pattern - Weave.

  • 09.14.2023

    Our latest custom order is delivered and installed. This 3-panel geometric, hardwood wall art installation measures 24” x 70.5". Utilizing a combination of Maple, Cherry, and Walnut to create a progression of light to dark.

  • 08.28.2023

    Nearing completion on our latest custom wall art. Check-out the difference that our hand-rubbed oil finish makes

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See How Our Custom Wall Art Patterns are Created

Hanging (wall-mounted) Headboards

What is this you might ask - well, it's a headboard that is mounted to the wall and a mattress/box-spring is snuggled up against it, but is not connected or attached to the headboard. Our hanging headboards are 6-inches wider than standard mattress sizes to offer a slight overhang on each side.

Explore Our Headboards

Product shown is our Queen size headboard using Cherry and Walnut hardwood blocks in our Geometric Pattern and is unfinished.